PANAF PROJECT: CSOs’ contribution to a strong and independent African Human Rights System
Funded by : The European Commission
Implemented by: The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS), The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and The Kenyan Branch of The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ - Kenya)

Objectives of Project
Overall objective:
Consolidating civil society’s role in facilitating the transition from human rights standards into human rights practice through Africa-wide interventions.
Specific objectives
SO1: to strengthen and increase the ability of civil society organisations to use AU mechanisms for human rights protection and promotion
SO2: to increase citizen awareness of AU human rights mechanisms for implementation and compliance at both national and community levels
SO3; strengthened national and regional responses to displaced persons and other vulnerable populations.
Target group(s)
Civil society organisations, including youth organisations, women’s human rights organisations and movements, national human rights and adjudicatory institutions, human rights defenders (HRDs), refugees, internally displaced persons, media organisations, academics, research institutions, AU human rights institutions (Commission, Court, Committee of Experts on Rights of the Child and Pan African Parliament), AU sub-regional institutions
Main activities
Training for civil society and adjudicatory authorities on understanding AU human rights system and mechanisms; Support for linking regional economic community human rights mechanisms with AU mechanisms; Training national actors to understand application of regional instruments. Research and publications on emerging human rights issues, effectiveness of CSOs’ participation in mechanisms, special mechanisms, procedural and substantive issues, annual state of human rights reports in Africa, annual report on state of implementation of decisions of AU mechanisms and institutions on human rights. Support through sub-grants and technical assistance to CSOs for human rights information dissemination through innovative platforms, intersession follow-up on decisions of the AU mechanisms. Support advocacy initiatives, including attendance of targeted youths, HRDs, women’s rights organisations, and trade unions from selected countries before the AU human rights mechanisms and making of submissions. Development of model laws on domestication of the AU instruments, litigation; bringing of petitions before the AU commissions and courts to increase access to justice for citizens Support; policy formulation on specific marginalised and vulnerable groups such as refugees and IDPs.
For further information or clarifications on the Project, please contact; Mrs. Hannah Forster, Executive Director ACDHRS, Tel: +220 4462341.
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