July 15, 2014

Petition to Obama for civil society inclusion in the forthcoming Summit

PETITION:  President Obama, please include African civil society inthe U.S-Africa Summit14 July 2014The United States will host the first ever United States AfricanLeaders Summit, scheduled to […]
June 3, 2014

55th NGO Forum Summary Report Luanda April 2014

55th NGO Forum Summary Report Luanda April 2014 55th NGO Forum Summary Report Luanda April 2014 -2-
May 2, 2014

WIN an Invitation to the African Development Bank Annual Meetings 2014

People are like stained-glass windows,  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only […]
March 12, 2014

Aenean ligula molstie viverra fermentum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolor. Suspendisse sollicitudin. Fusce non ante euismod.
March 11, 2014

Vitae adipiscing turpis aenean rutrum leo aliquet

Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan.
March 10, 2014

Suspen disse pellen tesque dui proin cursus magna

Enim ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse elit lectus dapibus eu, vulputate at, consequat id.