The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (ACDHRS) is independent, non-profit regional human rights NGO based in Banjul, The Gambia. It was set up in 1989 by an Act of Parliament of the Republic of The Gambia. However, 1995, the African Centre was re-launched, thereby repealing the Act, and thus making the Centre a truly independent, autonomous and pan-African NGO.
Since its establishment, the Centre has committed to the promotion of the aims and principles of the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights and to the respect for the universality of human rights as enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights. It has promoted and continues to promote Article 25 of the African Charter
states that ‘States Parties to the Charter shall have the duty to promote and ensure through teaching, education and publication, the respect of the rights and freedoms contained in the present Charter and to see that these freedoms and rights as well as corresponding obligations and duties are understood.’
The African Centre focuses its programme of research, education, training, documentation and information.
The African Centre builds bridges between inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as amongst NGOs. It maintains networks of communication, training and research amongst NGOs.
Objectives of the Centre:
1. To undertake action-oriented research and publication on human rights and democracy issues in Africa;
2. To undertake education and training for promotional activities;
3. To maintain a documentation Centre for research and training and to collect documentation relating to democracy and human rights;
4. To build the capacity of other African organizations to monitor and protect human rights in Africa;
5. To provide assistance to the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights in the form of training, research reports and collaboration of its documentation Centre;
6. To strengthen its relationship with various United Nations organizations and other regional IGOs.
The anniversary celebration was launched in October, 2018. To continue with the anniversary celebration, the African Centre would like produce a ‘coffee table’ publication in October, 2019.
The said publication would trace the history, showcase the progress, highlight the success & challenges and recommendations on the way forward.
The publication should be submitted to the African Centre within a period of 15 (fifteen) working days.
Interested persons should submit a proposal expressing interest (including CV, sample of similar publication) and expected fees and timeline to the African Centre latest 6th September, 2019.
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