PETITION: President Obama, please include African civil society in
the U.S-Africa Summit
14 July 2014
The United States will host the first ever United States African
Leaders Summit, scheduled to take place from August 5–6, 2014. The
summit will provide a platform for U.S. policy makers and high-level
government officials to meet face-to-face with potentially
forty-seven African heads of state. The summit will reportedly focus
on U.S. trade and investment in Africa, and highlight America’s
commitment to the overall security of the continent.
Despite President Obama’s commitment to the role of civil society,
civil society will not be officially included in the Summit. In June
2014, representatives of African civil society met in Washington, DC
to draft a series of recommendations to the US government, African
heads of state and African civil society as part of a vision for
making real progress. Following the meeting, the We are Africa
website was launched with the Twitter hush-tag #WeAreAfrica. Please
explore & sign and share our PETITION for civil society inclusion at
US-Africa Summit.
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