We the participants, at the Forum on the Participation of NGOs at the 34th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and at the 8th Book Fair on Human Rights in Africa, held at the Corinthia Atlantic Hotel, Banjul, from 3rd to 5th November, 2003,
Recalling Article 13 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights which bestows on all citizens “the right to participate freely in the public affairs of their country either directly or through the intermediary of freely elected representatives”;
Recalling the final communiqué of the Pretoria Conference on elections, democracy and governance, held in South Africa from 7th to 10th April, 2003;
Persuaded that periodic, free and democratic elections contribute towards the establishment of the Rule of Law and peace;
Aware that by refusing or hampering political change through electoral and constitutional manipulations, through violations of freedom of expression and of the press, and the perpetuation of a system of corruption, certain States are stemming the progress of the democratic process on the African Continent.;
Recalling that the organization of periodic, fair election is fundamental to the furtherance of the responsibility of representatives in the eyes of the citizens;
Reaffirming that citizens should be able to forge their opinion independently, without falling prey to violence or threats of violence, coercion, lures of gratification or other manipulative ploys;
Underscoring the fact that the right to freedom of expression, assembly, and association is an essential condition for the effective exercise of the right to vote and should therefore be fully safeguarded;
Noting that all citizens should be availed the opportunity to exercise their rights without any distinction of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, lot in life, birth or any other situation;
Exhort all States:
• to abide by the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights;
• to set up an independent, transparent, electoral authority of a pluralist composition to monitor the electoral process and ensure that elections are held in an atmosphere of equity and impartiality during the :
o run-up to campaigns,
o conduct of the campaigns
o conduct of the elections
o proclamation of results
• to uphold freedom of expression, assembly, movement of civil society Associations, and members of political parties;
• afford the parties vying for the elections equal and free access to the media;
• provide for the presence of national and international observers, mandated to guarantee the credibility and transparency of elections;
• to report to the Commission on the rules governing the right to vote, and explain the manner in which these rules were applied during the period covered by the report;
Done in Banjul, on 5th November, 2003